Grocery Store Health Food Marketing

People don’t just shop at Trader Joe’s — they love it. Trader Joe’s make healthy food taste, look and feel good and transform health food marketing into something easy. How do they do it?1. They make food shopping fun When you enter Trader Joe’s you are greeted by friendly employees donning Hawaiian shirts and a genuine smile. You progress into a colorful store with chalkboard signage created by that store’s personal chalk artist. They transformed grocery shopping from just another errand, to an experience that you actually look forward to.2. They make healthier versions of favoritesTrader Joe’s has a line of products they call “Reduced Guilt”, which transforms timeless comfort foods into healthier but still delicious alternatives. This line ranges from pizzas and chips to macaroni and cheese and brownies and usually boasts half the fat of their high-calorie comfort food counterparts.3. They make healthy food taste goodKale, arugula, gluten-free products—these are just some of the things Trader Joe’s promotes. They market gluten-free so well, that even those who consume gluten want to give them a try. That’s amazing! They also demonstrate new ways to consume healthy foods, offering great salad combinations and making healthier pasta. Trader Joe’s takes eating healthy from a struggle to a treat.4. They make it easy to eat healthyTrader Joe’s is well known for its robust frozen food section. Here they feature many convenient healthy options in this section. They are also well known for making brown rice and sprouted rice easy by providing already cooked and frozen options that need only a trip to the microwave. They carry an extensive selection of frozen fruits and vegetables as well as vegetarian options and fish. They understand that eating healthy on a tight schedule can be tough, so they provide abundant options for their busy customers.5. They make healthy foods affordableHigh cost may be the biggest barrier for consumers, when it comes to eating healthy. How does Trader Joe’s keep its prices so low? Its business model allows quality products at low prices because they essentially cut out the middleman and they only stock what sells. They are 80% private label and maintain smaller stores of only 8,000 to 12,000 square feet, as opposed to a grocery store like Whole Foods which is 38,000 square feet. This smaller selection and smaller business model keeps prices down and keeps customers happy.  Something health food marketing can learn from them.6. They make affordable food look appealingUnlike other private labels whose products look inexpensive. Trader Joe’s designs their packaging with great care. So consumers feel like they are getting high quality instead of settling. They focus on colorful designs that give each product its own personality.How can your brand transform an ordinary task into an extraordinary experience people look forward to? Trader Joe’s has given consumers a new perspective on healthy eating and grocery shopping. Maybe your brand could learn a thing or two from them.Follow my health food marketing feed on my twitter!


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