What’s the Buzz? The Health Benefits of Coffee

Conjure up a beverage that contains several powerful antioxidants effective at neutralizing free radicals and preventing stress, and actually has an inverse relationship between consumption and cardiovascular disease and consumption and type 2 diabetes. Two large studies also show drinking it was associated with a 20 percent lower risk of death in men and a 26 percent lower risk of death in women over a period of 18-24 years. What is this drink? It’s not kombucha or matcha, its coffee.Today’s consumers are exploring foods that have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition and help reduce the risk of disease. There are some functional foods you might have to acquire a taste for, like Kombucha or kale for example, but coffee, that’s something we’re definitely used to.You might be thinking about coffee’s bad rap. I used to stress over my addiction to it.  It is the first thing I think about when I wake up and the only thing that gets me through the 3 p.m. slump during a workday. Christopher Gardner, Director of Nutrition Studies at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, found that coffee’s bad connotation stems from when it was grouped with cigarettes, but new studies suggest that “Smoking was the cause of the association with bad health...Coffee wasn’t just null, it was shown to be beneficial”.Most people consume only 1-2 grams of antioxidants per day and beverages are actually a much larger source in the Western diet than food. Researchers looked at the antioxidant content of different foods by serving size. Coffee ranked 11th after several different types of berries, but very few people eat large amounts of berries.  This all means that a lot of people get most of their antioxidants from coffee.And there are new coffee trends on the rise to complement this already healthy beverage.

  1. Consumers are making coffee healthier: By combining their juice or smoothie with coffee by adding protein powder, spices, or even collagen powder to their morning joe
  2. Origin and story: Consumers want to know where the beans came from, the growth process, and who is growing them and who is behind the brand.
  3. Experience: Cafe’s are stepping up their game, introducing new brewing methods and coffee varieties like nitro
  4. Quality Batch Brewing: Pour over methods highlight the incredible nuances of the coffee
  5. Alternative Milks: Coffee drinker are starting to drink their coffee with almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, and oat milk all for their respective different health benefits

One of my favorite brands is already intimate with the health benefits of coffee and exists solely to bring that to the growing population of health-conscious coffee lovers like me! Purity is devoted to maximizing the health benefits of coffee. With up to 10x the antioxidants of other leading brands, it’s always organic, tested to ensure that it is free of mold and mycotoxins, and shipped within 48 hours of roasting for optimal freshness.And if you’re tapped into the diet world, you’ve undoubtedly heard of Bulletproof. It’s clean coffee, certified to be free of 27 energy-sapping toxins, contains grass-fed butter and Bulletproof Brain Octane oil—extracted from the most potent part of the coconut—to power your brain and body and give you steady, all-day energy.There is a giant opportunity here for brands to talk to the health-conscious consumer, especially those brands that may not have considered themselves players in the “health” space.  If you need some help digging into these opportunities with your brand, Let’s talk.

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