Our Why

Sawtooth is a 360 strategic marketing agency that builds brands in the health & wellness, and food & fitness space. Our goal is to make their communication more compelling and relevant to their consumers, investors, and retailers. The world is changing, and consumers not only need, but deserve to understand the impact that food and fitness have on their health and wellness. We are committed to bringing those brands and their truths into the lives of the consumers who need them.


Think it.

We start with idea generation. What are our growth objectives? Who are our competitors? What do we want to achieve?

Create it.

Once we have a hypothesis — or two or three! — we create. From positioning to a Big Brand Idea, from content creation to a media plan, we create what works best for your brand.

Prove it.

Then, we analyze, modify, optimize. We do whatever it takes to prove that our ideas have had a positive effect on your business.